When he finally meets El patron, the woman is taken and Matt is taken into the Alacran house where he meets a lot of good people and bad people. He finds a connection with a girl named…
Ethan’s mind is being pulled in two directions and he battles between his love for Mattie and his duty to his wife. When Ethan’s mother got sick, Zeena came to help take care of her. Ethan like the feeling of companionship with someone, so when his…
In this chapter, Zeena voiced her health problems and told Ethan that she was going to leave for Bettsbridge to visit a doctor for her pains. As she explained the plan and who she would travel with, Ethan showed no feeling of worry or concern. He automatically agreed to everything, and did not offer to go with her or ask if she needed anything. Notably, he lied about his plans so he would not have to ‘bear the encumbrance’ of dropping her off. Additionally, this was because he has extreme feelings for Mattie, whom he does not wish to leave. Zeena must have felt hurt by the fact that her own husband did not feel anything for her. For this reason, it almost seems as if before Zeena left, she had to ‘establish her dominance’ with Mattie. Perhaps this sprouted a feeling of self consciousness. For example, the tone in which she specifically pushed the empty bottle and told her a job she has to do is much more commanding. It gives a feeling of superiority to Zeena so Mattie feels threatened to not go after Ethan. To further explain, the quote is ‘if you can get the taste out’ which makes the statement sound even more demeaning as it is asking if she has the capability to do such a simple task of properly cleaning a…
Literature often shows coincidences, accidents and tragedies that completely change the course of the story. In Shakespeare’s romance Romeo&Juliet if the word from the Friar had gotten to Romeo before the news of Juliet’s death, they would never suffer from such a tragic ending. Accidents and coincidences are very present in throughout literature works. In Ethan Frome the novel by Edith Wharton, the main character Ethan Frome has a dark past; he lived in misery for most of his life married to a sickly woman Zeena. When he finally faces a little bit of joy in another woman named Mattie Silver, he loses her joyful spirit in a terrible accident and is forced to re-build his life with a crippled arm and lots of misery. Edith Wharton novel has as one of its main themes accidents, coincidences and tragedies. Clearly noticed throughout Ethan Frome’s life story resulting in his terrible gloom.…
iii. Quote 3: “Harmon chuckled sardonically. ‘That’s so. He had to stay then.” [Talking about the smash-up] – After his failed suicide attempt, which was his only way out of his problems, Ethan had to stay in Starkfield as his injuries prevented him from leaving. The outside force in this situation would be the injuries, preventing him from leaving and living with…
Ethan Frome had tired to leave Starkfield, Massachusetts many times though out the novella but each time death give him a reason to stay in Starkfield. Ethan's parents aren't ever named, in the novella and are dead before the story truly begins, but they play a very key role in the development of Ethan Frome. The death of his father was the first death he experiences. Ethan Frome was a young man with his eyes sight on leaving Starkfield for good. He had left for college with the hopes of studying physics. Unfortunately his father had pass away from an accident on his farm. His death forced Ethan to return home because of the serious change in the family's financial situation with no one to run the farm but Ethan and his mother. Ethan reflects back at that time by saying this "His father's death, and…
Whenever Mattie and Ethan are together and around Zeena at the same time, things get a little awkward. Both Ethan and Mattie try to hide their feelings and love toward one another while Zeena is around. If Ethan was truly altruistic, he would have told Zeena that he does not love her anymore, and that he loves Mattie. Ethan does not do so. Instead, he hides his love for Mattie around Zeena. Zeena slowly begins to recognize signs, and believe, that Ethan gives more attention to Mattie and not herself. Therefore, Zeena wants Mattie to be leave their house, and hire someone else. When Ethan fights for Mattie to stay, it truly showed that Ethan did not care what Zeena thought about Mattis. All Ethan cared about was to persuade Zeena that they needed to keep Mattie around. That was also an example showing Ethan is selfish and only cares about what he…
When Ethan is supposed to drop Mattie off for there final goodbye, they take a detour and go sledding and with that detour, they finally acknowledge there love for each other. The narrator states “The words were like fragments torn from his heart. With them comes the hated vision of the house he was to go back to-of the stairs he would have to go up every night, of the woman who would wait for him there. And the sweetness of Matties avowal, the wild wonder of knowing at last that all that had happened to him had happened to her too, made the other vision more abhorrent , the other life more intolerable to return…
seems to understand Ethan and he soon begins to fall in love. Ethan ends up in a love triangle between…
Once they were married and Zeena became ill they became very distant. Mattie was like a bright light when she came to live with them. Mattie and Ethan would talk and Ethan could enjoy life without the nagging and sickness of Zeena. He would always remember that he married Zeena out of his own self pittypity of not wanting to be alone. From that moment he has not been happy since until he met Mattie. Ethan lied, and became deceitful hiding things from Zeena such as the red pickle dish just to protect Mattie. Once Zeena decided that Mattie was a threat and decided she needed to leave, Ethan had no recourse. Once again, he had no say so and would never be able to change Zeena 's mind. Ethan wanted so bad to run away with Mattie, but knew that there was no way he could leave Zeena with no money in Sparkfield on an already starving farm. Ethan was not one that could hurt anyone, he would rather live forever unhappy then hurt anyone. Ethan decided death was the solution, the only true way he was ever going to get out of Sparkfield, get away from Zeena, and be with Mattie was if they both died in a tragic accident so they both could be together forever after life. He was willing to die since he couldn 't be with Mattie. This shows true unhappiness but also Ethan 's commitment to his wife. Comment by Prof Marc:…
Ethan realizes his own impulsiveness and flawed character, becomes aware of his flaws, proving that he fits the archetype of a tragic hero yet again. Ethan was going to deceive kindly Mrs. Hale into giving him money. However, he took a step back and saw his situation in a different light, saying “With the sudden perception of the point to which his madness had carried him, the madness fell and [Ethan] saw his life before him as it was.” (113). Ethan is so desperate to escape from his situation at home that he feels the need to take advantage of others. Ethan's impulsiveness persists, and he commits suicide when he is no longer able to face his dark…
passes away, he is forced to take care his ill mother as well. Ethan’s future wife Zeena, comes to…
Mattie’s relationships also have changed. She now admits to herself now that she likes Nathaniel Benson. After the epidemic she and Nathaniel have both matured & have a more easy and confident relationship. She now views Eliza, Joseph, Nell, Robert, and William like family and feels responsible for them.…
They where going to make passionate love while sleighing downhill. If they succeeded to finish they would leave to go to Florida and start over again. If they didn’t make it, they would crash on the elm tree and their fate would be in God’s hands. They started gaining speed but because Ethan wanted it to last he purposely slowed them down. Mattie was in ecstasy and wasn’t paying attention, since they both felt as if only the two of them existed in the world. Unfortunately, they crashed. They where like two eagles mating, who flew up high in the air, and let themselves fall, leaving their lives to fate alone. Only one thing was different in this occasion. The eagles of Starkfield never died. Mattie had passed out and was lying on the cold snow, but her face and hair were warm and full of life. For a moment, Ethan panicked, believing his beloved was dead, and he stood over her shouting, ‘Mattie Mattie I love you!’ He was desperately crying while Mattie slowly opened her beautiful eyes and moved her gorgeous eyelashes. Her glimmering eyes looked at Ethan and her luscious lips moved to form the phrase ‘I love you Ethan’. Ethan was relieved, however he knew that in order for them to survive and be happy together, they would first have to pass through Zeena.…
In the midst of this decision, Mattie gets a summer job at a lodge on Big Moose Lake. It is there she meets Grace Brown, who hands her a bundle of letters on the premise that Mattie is to burn them. Later, before Mattie can carry out the task, Grace turns up dead in the lake. Mattie, unable to quell her curiosity, begins reading the letters. As she pieces together Grace's life and realizes why she ended up dead, Mattie is also able to come to terms with her own place in life and what she needs to do.…