Compliance with the code
This is where you can find information about what to do if you become aware of a breach or violation of the Code of Conduct, and what actions can and will be taken against any employee, Officer, or Board Member who have been found to have violated the Code of Conduct.
Protection of Company Assets
Theft, carelessness, and wasteful practices have a direct impact on the profitability of our business. This is why it is imperative to report any known violations of this particular area of the Code of Conduct so that it may be immediately investigated and rectified.
Chipotle’s Confidential Information
Any confidential or proprietary information you may come across is strictly prohibited from being used for personal gain or the detriment of Chipotle. All confidential information that is to be disclosed must be disclosed on a need to know basis, meaning that it should only be divulged to employees who need said information to do their jobs. In this section, you can also find out what you should do if you were to come across this type of information.
Political/Religious Activity and Contributions
Here you can find information about the misuse of Chipotle’s name, funds, assets, or property for religious or political purposes or endorsements.
References: Stengel, G. (2010). Six Socially Responsible Tactics That Grow Your Small Business. Ryan, L. (2012). The Truth about Socially Responsible Business. The Huffington Post