The ethical behavior is very important when we are using the computer and the internet. There are three rules we should follow them.
Firstly, when people are using the computer to work, do not use it to harm others such as gossip or exposure. For example, In China, there was a media company made a rumor on the internet that was a famous actor did some immoral things to make herself be famous, and they got this news from a another famous person. Actually, these two persons they knew they do not do these things. As a result, this media company was prosecuted by parties and paid for the compensation. From this thing, we can know that the internet as a medium which can give us information should provide news based on the facts by themselves. Do not say something that is not true or you are not sure to be a gossip. On the other hand, do not expose, it means that do not put something on the internet if other people not authorize you can do it. There is another example which is from China in 2008. An irresponsible net citizen discloses some photos on the internet. This event is called “Sex-Photo Scandal”. Because the photos showed some celebrities was taken with some indelicate things. It is serious hurt parties even their families.
Secondly, steal and copy the copyright from the internet or computer are both infeasible. The meaning of the steal in here that is does not use something which you have not paid. If it is free on the internet, it is okay to download or use it. Otherwise it is not okay to use it or you need to pay for such as music or firm. There was a big war of copyright which is Apple and Samsung. Because of the similarity which is between the first generation of Samsung Galaxy and Iphone. Apple company patent to issue after the offer was rejected from Samsung; Samsung was prosecuted to court in 2011. In 2012, the court sentence Samsung need pay 1.05 billion US dollars to Apple, but Samsung lodge enter an appeal. This case is continuing