(1) case study :Social and Moral Issues in the Case of a 96-Year-Old Woman- page 141 96 years old woman live alone, Her house is full of trash .House is a health hazard with all the trash. bring on unwanted guess( rats which make the house unhealthy to live in). The house seem to be a fire hazard with all the trash in the house. The house has a bad order which has made a worker sick. The floor is in needed of repair , this can be unsafe for her one day. she slept in one room. The owner her nephew will not fix repairs. The stove is on and burning all day with trash on it. Doctors say she is mentally competent
(1) ethical conflict
Will her right be taken away from her by removed her from her home. Is it right to leave her in a home that is unsafe for her to live. This is very difficult for one to choose but is it morally right to leave her in a house that you know is not safe. Should her nephew be held accountable for his home.
to discuss, and present the dilemmas involved in each case. As a human services professional, how would you handle these situations? How would you balance your values as a professional with a client’s needs?
Well for one she is unsafe in her home . I would have the house inspected by the city to confirm that its not safe for her. My balance I think would be to stay focus she 96 maybe it is time for her to have some one look after her and still give her independence. If she was a child living under those condition a worker would remove her from the home until it is improve. To me in my opinion she needs to be safe
Schram, BRMB, Introduction to Human services : Policy and Practice, Eight