The tool I will most likely use is the ethical principles screen.
I feel that this screening will help me make ethical decisions because it ranks our ethical principles in order from most important to least important. In my practice there will be challenging situations with many factors and ethical principles that must be considered. This screening will help put things in perspective and can help me figure out how to approach these difficult
situations. Ethical decision making connects to all of our social work core values. Ethical decision making and our values work as a team, you can have one of them without the other. As social workers we need both of them to be an effective social worker. It connects to our values of service because we must make ethical decisions in the way we serve our clients. It connects to social justice because we make ethical decisions in order to bring social justice to our clients. It connects to the dignity and worth of a person because we make ethical decisions in order to ensure our clients are treated fairly and equally by other factors that may be affecting them. It connects to the importance of human relationships because we make ethical decisions to make sure we continue the relationships we make in an ethical and professional way. It connects to integrity because ethical decision making helps ensure that we act efficiently with integrity in mind. Finally, it connects to competence because in order to be a competent social worker we must be able to make ethical decisions.