Ethical Egoism vs Deontological Egoism
3) Can Deontological Egoism avoid all the problems that confront unconstrained ethical egoism? In this essay I will argue that Deontological Egoism can rescue Unconstrained Ethical Egoism from a large number of its problems and that DE offers a more plausible and attractive Egoism theory Understanding Moral theories The goal of a moral theory is to meet certain moral principles. Various principles are argued for to be included as moral principles within a workable moral theory. We therefore can analyze the specific moral theories of Ethical Egoism and Deontological Egoism which fall under the umbrella of the Egoism class of theories and see if they take into account certain moral principles that are important in order for a theory to be plausible Unconstrained Ethical Egoism One is required to pursue one's own interests and one has no duties to the interests of others, so the foundation of one's morality in this theory is the regard of one's own self-interests as superior.Ethical Egoism is a normative moral theory, i.e. it is prescriptive and tells one what one ought to do. Normative theories offer guidance in our decisions and judgements. What are one's obligations and duties in particular situations? [2] Ethical egosim is in contrast to psychological egoism, which is a descriptive theory of psychological facts that states that human beings ultimately only desire their own interests and that even when one aids others it is only as a means to ones own ends. Ethical egoism however states that one only has a duty to ones one interests and to pursue that which is to ones own advantage exclusively. The theory says that what makes an act right is that it is to ones advantage.Unconstrained ethical egoism says that the pursuit of one's interests must be unconstrained and not to regard the interests of others , i.e "Look out for number one." [2] [2} James Rachels, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, Ethical Egoism Problems of Unconstrained Ethical Egoism 1) Conflict of
References: [1] Keith Burgess Jackson, July 1, 2003,Social Theory and Practice [2} James Rachels, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, Ethical Egoism