Morgan State University
Dr. John Hersey
Midterm Exam
Directions: Your exams must be submitted through SafeAssign on Blackboard. Late submissions will be penalized 10 points (one full letter grade) and I will not accept submissions after one week past the due date, which will result in a 0 for the assignment. Plagiarism merits automatic failure for the course.
Put your name, PHIL 220 with section number, Dr. Hersey, semester and year, Midterm Examination on the top left of the first page. Clearly identify section headings, item numbers, and descriptions. Remember the rubric for evaluation of written work from the syllabus. Any references to the text should be indicated simply by the page number in parentheses.
Section 1: Explanations
Write a 4-5 sentence explanation for 5 of the following. (20 points) The key is to be as thorough, concise, and essential as possible in the short space allotted. Full credit will be given for explanations that not only identify the concept, but also indicate its context and moral significance.
1. Psychological egoism (Ch. 2) 2. Universal ethical egoism (Ch.2) 3. Greatest happiness principle (Ch. 2) 4. Cost-benefit analysis (Ch. 2) 5. Care ethics (Ch. 2) 6. Intuitionism (Ch. 3) 7. Divine Command Theory (Ch. 3) 8. Good will (Kant, Ch. 3) 9. Practical imperative (Kant, Ch. 3) 10. Prima facie duties (Ross, Ch. 3) 11. Virtue ethics (Ch. 4) 12. Happiness (Aristotle, Ch. 4) 13. Habit (Aristotle, Ch. 4) 14. Virtue as a mean (Aristotle, Ch. 4) 15. Excellence, de (Confucius, Ch. 4) 16. Mengzi on human nature (Confucius, Ch. 4) 17. Moral absolutism (Ch. 5 and Rachels essay) 18. Cultural relativism (Ch. 5 and Rachels essay) 19. Fatalism (Ch. 6) 20. Hard determinism (Ch. 6) 21. Soft determinism (Ch. 6) 22. The Value of Life Principle (Ch. 8) 23. The Principle of Individual Freedom (Ch. 8)
Section 2: Essays
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