About the Author:
Grant Michelson is a senior lecturer in Work and Organisational Studies, School of Business at University of Sydney, Nick Wails lecturer in Work and Organisational Studies, School of Business at University of Sydney, Sandra Van der Laan lecturer in Accounting and Business Law, School of Business at University of Sydney and Geoff Frost Senior lecturer in Accounting and Business Law, School of Business at University of Sydney.
This article talk about the ethical investment or socially responsible investment, screening, fund management, corporate responsibilities its process and outcomes. It has provided an overview of current debates about ethical investment. It gives information about who invests in socially responsible investment with literature review and examples. It also shares the information that how the investor can do ethical investment or process for the ethical investment i.e., screening and its benefits. Article says that ethical investing can change the corporate behavior. Similarly, article also deals about whether ethical investment pays or not, does ownership matters in ethical investment and the future challenges about the ethical investment. This paper has provided an overview of current debates about ethical investment. It has demonstrated the complexity of many of the issues raised by this topic including the motives of socially responsible investors, the different types of screening processes involved, the mixed evidence concerning the financial return of ethical funds, and the links between ethical investment and corporate behavior.
The major objectives of these articles can be seen below * Maintain the inter- related issues of transparency and disclosure which are important consideration at the company or firm level * The main objectives of this articles is