-Make ethics a priority;
-Set a good example of ethical conduct;
-Keep commitments;
- Be sensitive to culture, beliefs, and environment of the learners.
-Consider ethics in decision making.
Ethical issues are rarely simple to adhere to because individuals ' ethical sensitivities vary, program presenters need to evaluate individual cases to ensure protocols are followed; Goldman (2008). It is actually not easy, but it is important. Ethics is a social construction; there is no real line between right and wrong. Societies, as groups, develop basic ethical values, which individuals use to determine whether actions between societal members and others are right or wrong (e.g., ethical or unethical). Societal institutions, such as religion, schools, and organizations, help shape individual determinants of ethical behavior. However, each individual has different ethical practices and principles that are based on underlying values (Lawrence, Weber and Post, 2005).
How does an adult educator unpack ethical issues within mentoring contexts, especially when those issues nest in interpersonal relationships? A variety of uncomfortable situations may arise, First, Presenters may be friendly with their learners, but friendships between presenters and learners are tricky and have the potential to hurt both parties involved. Second, presenters themselves need
Bibliography: Compton, Michele. (May/June 2007). The Ethical Employee. Women in Business, pp 12-14. Epstein, Stephen and Carney, Patrick. (March 2007). Ethics for Supervisors (partone) Ethics: The Good, Bad, The important. (January 2006). T+D Magazine. More/www.CareetWomen.com. Goldman, Stephen. M. (2008). In any workplace: Ethics must thrive to build credible brands Gravett, Linda (2000). How Human Resource can Help Build an Ethical Organization Hansman, Catherine. (2009). Ethical Issues in Mentoring Adult in Higher Education Imel, Susan. (1991-00). Ethical Practice in Adult Education. ERIC Digest No 116. Kincaid, H and Pecorino. (2009). Ethical issues in Education: Changing Habits of mind Leonard, M.K et al. (2008). Ethical values in the workplace: Individual Values and Organizational Culture Lawrence, A.T., Weber, J., & Post, J.E. 2005. Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics,Public Policy, 11th ed Nancherla Aparna. (September 2008). What will Employee X Do?: Workplace ethics programs lack sufficient attention