(Ameda A. Manetta and Jancie G. Wells, 2001)
Tracy S. Robinson
September 2010
(Ameda A. Manetta and Jancie G. Wells, 2001). Ethical issues in the social worker’s role in pas.
Health & Social Work/ Volume 26, pg 3
The author’s focus was on ethical issues in physician assisted suicide and the role it plays amongst social worker’s. The author’s presented results of an exploratory study of social workers views on physician assisted suicide (PAS). In which social workers favored or not favor PAS and whether there is a difference in education or training on mental health issues, ethics, or suicide that may influenced their views as well. The involvement with PAS presents an ethical dilemma, which in this article refers to a situation in which social workers think they have no definitive guidelines for professional behavior. The article has current interest because it is important that social workers have been properly prepare and train to work with clients making end of life decision.
Summary of the author’s main points Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study was to determine social workers views on physician assisted suicide (PAS). The study involved participant from three separate workshops on suicide that were presented by the first author. The study subsamples sixty-six social workers. The social workers either had a South Carolina social work license or a bachelor’s or master’s degree in social work. The participants recruitment where given a questionnaire that contained twenty-six questions, most of which required yes or no responses. The study focus on how these different elements guide social workers in making ethical decisions regarding intervention with clients. There were areas in the articles that mention how social workers had difficulties in doing that.
Summary of literature review as presented by the author. The study found that physician
References: (Ameda A. Manetta and Jancie G. Wells, 2001)