My second work placement is currently …show more content…
second is under accommodated order where the parents still have to agree to stuff , and third is before a order has been made thus part of the role is to talk to the the families, children and younger people to manage issues they face before it escalates into statutory intervention and becomes a permenent order.
The model approach used by Bellview home care is the Family Partnership Model (FPM) or the Person Centred work attributed to the work of Carl Rogers.
The referal is the main form of assessment used within the team that gives an outlook of the young person and thier family as a whole and what level of support may be required to enable the right intervention from agencies. This mode of assessment may also include Team Around the Child (TAC) meetings and professional meetings wherein I meet with the parent(s)/child and/or other professionals who may already be engaging with the family, or those that could be beneficial to engage with, to ensure that the best outcomes are achieved for the child. The meetings have to take place at the residence …show more content…
One of Systems Theory's key starting point is that no person is an island. Everyone has contact with other people, such as family, friends or organisations. The relationships we have with all these people and organisations form a system around us (Maclean & Harrison, 2009, p.213). Within regards to Emilys system I looked at her family environment as well as the professionals that were already involved with her or those that could have been introduced, to offer support. Systems theory also enabled me to plan how to gather the relevant information.
System Theory recognises that a person’s support network can be placed under strain because of a change in circumstances. This change may be a new event or the change could be something progressive. The new or increased strain results in the system not working smoothly. By mapping a person’s whole system, the professional should be able to work out the source of the system overload (Maclean & Harrison, 2009, p.213).I recognise that the housing problem is affecting Emilys health and well-being and the aim was to enable Emily's system to operate smoothly