Unethical Leadership behaviors
Charismatic leadership Charismatic leadership can affect the minds of people’s minds and coordinate their actions (Slideshare, 2012). Leaders who try to promote self-interest and manipulate their follower, are known to use unethical charismatic leadership (Slideshare, 2012). Unethical charismatic leaders will use power for their own personal gain, promote their own interests, believe in one-way communication, tend to be insensitive to the needs of the followers, and rely on external moral standards to satisfy their own self-interests (Slideshare, 2012).
Abusive leadership Power is a great motivator (Chandler, 2009). “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (Bowman & West, 2007). Leaders sometimes tend to use their power in a wrong manner. At times leaders may use their power to intimidate the subordinate into doing their work. An example of abusive leadership is leaders who make their subordinates do things that are not within their job description. For example, picking up their children, and
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