Thomas A. Bailey
College of Humanities US/101 Intro to University Studies
May, 3, 2013
Lori Brooks
My Ethical Lens
I would describe my ethical lens results to be accurate. It seems to have put a snapshot of my life currently and how I once was. It is amazing how taking these types of tests can usually relate to what type of person you are. Some may think tests like this are not very accurate however I feel those are the people not being truthful with themselves. I found each section to be consistent with my lifestyle.
I believe that my ethical lens directs my academic behavior with the tools for analyzing problems. This is exactly how I handle situations when dealing with my classes. I think through a problem carefully and research options to find the one that will allow me to complete my duties for class. I never want to answer questions or take a test without having some sort of knowledge. There are many out there that will speak on subjects that they really know nothing about just to be heard. There has been several instances where I have had to put off answering a question to do some research if I did not have any direct knowledge of the subject.
My ethical lens influences critical thinking by interpretation. Reading each of the results you may have the most accurate description of who you are but it leaves it to interpretation. It also makes me ask questions on some of the negative information that was provided. I have gone over it and trying to determine ways I can overcome being greedy and judgmental. Reading my ethical lens is really going to make me strive harder to be a better person.
The results of my Career Plan showed that I was focused. I can work well in careers where success comes from applying practical skills and where thinking is used mostly to solve practical problems. I agree with this because I will stick with a job until it is done. I often just react