First situation
Bill has struck up a friendship with one of your sales represents Gayle Dornier to be precise. While the previous two quarters were great for Gayle, she 's been struggling this quarter. My fear is that this rough spot will really pull her down. I 've been trying to cheer her up and bolster her self-confidence, but I 'm not sure that 's enough. I thought as her manager you should at least know that she 's really trying, but so far this quarter has been incredibly difficult.
Carol the Chief Legal Officer reminds to Diana that the Integrated Sales & Marketing Department has not conducted any anti-harassment training in over in six months.
Jo Williams is informing to Diana that Gayle is receiving flowers from somebody who is unknown for her and Gayle 's clearly getting nervous and doesn 't know what to do. Diana receives an email from Gayle saying that she needs some advice and also needs confidentiality as her supervisor.
What were the ethical issues presented in the simulation?
Clearly there are several situations with one issue and it is difficult because sexual harassment is a big problem in any place and at any moment. So, the big issue here is how to answer Gayle’s request for confidentiality in Diana’s meeting.
What decision-making steps did you take to ethically address these issues?
Analyzing the situation Diana thinks that the problem that Gayle is having is about Bill who is sending flowers to her and she feels uncomfortable and unsecure because she doesn’t want to have issues with him and especially at work. The key here is to be thoughtful about making promises. If Diana can’t maintain confidentiality, she needs to say so up front, rather than going back on a rashly made promise.
What ethical perspectives, or lenses, did you use to make your decisions in the simulation?
The shareholders, the company’s reputation and of course the type of report that the victim presents in this case Gayle’s report, it all
References: - Trevino, L.K. & Nelson, K.A. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. -