They ethical problem they both agree that dogs and cats in their opionons should be considered a special kind of livestock so it’s ok if we euthanize them if necessary. Althought I don’t agree with them on that they are trying to tackle the problem of overpopulation of pets and I do agree with that. Financial hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on animals shelters each year and since this comes out of taxpayers’ pockets they say it’s everybody problems to help solve. And in this article something I found very interesting, why many people don’t fix their pets are because the doctors will have to sedate them. And at a young age there are some concerns like hypothermia. But a study was done at the Massichetis society for the prevention of cruelty to animals at Angell memorial animal Hospital in Boston. And in that study it showed animals getting spayed and neutered had less complication than older ones.
So in conclusion I agree with the whole idea of spaying and neutering your pets. They provided the article with a tremendous amount of information, and statistics. Although it seemed more, we need to fix the problem at any cost. The article was still great.