April 25, 2012
Ethics and the Manager Chapter Six Executive Summary
Management has a certain protocol and certain behaviors that must be met and followed for business success. Every responsibility and decision managers hold and make are watched and critiqued by the employees they manage. Employees want to feel the sense of fairness and equality in the company they work for and in sense represent. Managers need to be reminded of this when interacting with their employees. Managers should maintain their level of engagement with employees and take on an active role, but must do so fairly and equally and make sure there is no room for misinterpretation or conflicts of interests. Managers must set the example and lead by it. This is a process that employees look for from their first encounter with management (to include the interview process). It is easy to say this is how work is done and hang it on a wall or hand it out in an employee hand-out, but managers are expected to lead from the top. Management must put the company’s values and success in their mind while conducting interviews and look at the work being conducted. Managers need to bring in the best workers and the best fit for the company during the interview process, and managers must make sure there is consistency during the interview process so there are no questions regarding discrimination. A performance evaluation is a difficult area not only for managers but also the employees evaluations are being done on. Management should deliver the news in a professional and tactful way. It is easy for managers to tell employees of the achievements they have accomplished during the performance evaluation, but the shortage in performance is where the professionalism and tact comes into play. An employee cannot adjust or correct the shortages if they are not revealed throughout the evaluation. All expectations from management and