In this case, the best course of action for the APN will be to have a conversation with the boy’s parents to assess their understanding of the situation and risk involved for the boy instead of jumping into conclusion from the ER physician report that because the boy’s parents are practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses, they have refused blood transfusion. Furthermore, requesting the assistance of the ethics committee and legal counsel of the hospital would be an appropriate step if after meeting with the boy’s parents, they …show more content…
Continuous education is needed for providers to be able to provide care to patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses and be aware of their beliefs and respect their wishes. Secondly, providers need to understand the impact these may have on organizing and providing care to these patients. Understanding the premise behind the beliefs of patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses is crucial to beginning conversations and truly understanding the patient (Panico, Jenq, & Brewster, 2011). Furthermore, providers should hold frequent and open dialogue for optimizing care for a Jehovah's Witness and in case of doubt, they should contact their legal department for assistance if this kind of situation occurs. Panico, Jenq, & Brewster (2011) further emphasized the importance for hospitals and providers to be aware of the growing diversity of values and beliefs among Jehovah's Witnesses. The ethical principles of autonomy versus beneficence is prominent when a physician believes a transfusion is in the best interest of the patient, but the patient refuses. In addition, the ANA code of ethics provisions 3 & 7 which states the nurse is to protect the patients’ rights to make personal decision; and to maximize benefits and minimize harm to the patient respectively are in violation if providers violate the patient’s wishes.
9. Providing medical treatment to Jehovah Witnesses involves ethical and legal issues as well as the need for planning and execution of strategies to maintain normovolemia as well as O2 delivery especially in a case of emergency to avoid persecution. The goal of managing these includes counselling patients about blood salvage techniques, optimization of preoperative hematological abnormalities and adopting techniques to minimize blood loss, and blood conservation throughout the perioperative