The purpose of this journal is to complete a self directed self improvement plan that will provide me a structured and self motivated plan in order to make me a better team player. I will us the text “Making the Team,†to provide a baseline of what doctrine was used during my study. I have divided this plan into four parts (each based on the team that I was assigned to during the class) that I will cover:
1. Assessment: observe, interact, and input obtained during the class.
2. Analyze: Identify the problems that were encountered during our team projects.
3. Develop an action plan: Based on my analysis, determine how to counter these problems in the future.
4. Execute the plan of action: The final outcome or as my opening quote stated “where you make you money,†is when you take a plan and put it into action.
The assessment is important because it would determine how each member of the team interacted with each other. We all were interacting through web based communication, but initially we could have done a better job in getting to know each other. On page 203 of the text it states that electronic interaction prevents members from interacting socially, I did discover that I did not have face and name recognition