1. HONESTY: Honesty is the virtue of communicating the truth and creating trust in the minds of others. Therefore, business honesty means the virtue of communicating business truth and creating business trust in the minds of others. This communication may include verbal and non-verbal and may be transferred to customers, employees, investors, creditors, debtors, co-owners, the government, the public and anyone who may have interest in one’s business.
2. PROMISE-KEEPING: means keeping one’s commitments. When promises have been made, they are supported by the fact that the obligation to keep promises is among the most important of generally accepted obligations. Promises and agreements to stakeholders create expectations of performance and establish obligations.
3. FAIRNESS: means being open-minded, willing to admit an error; not overreaching or taking undue advantage of another’s adversities; avoiding arbitrary or capricious favoritism. It means treating people equally and making decisions based on notions of justice.
4. RESPECT FOR OTHERS: means recognizing each person’s right to privacy and self-determination and having respect for human dignity. It means being courteous, prompt, decent and providing others with information they need to make informed decisions.
5. COMPASSION: We will maintain an awareness of the needs of others and act to meet those needs whenever possible. We will also minimize harm whenever possible. We will act in ways that are consistent with our commitment to social responsibility.
6. INTEGRITY: means using independent judgment and avoiding conflicts of interest, restraining from self-aggrandizement and resisting economic pressure. It means being faithful to one’s deepest beliefs, acting on one’s conviction and not adopting an ends-justifies-the-means philosophy that ignores principle.
7. CARING: means treating people as ends in themselves, not as means to an end. It means having compassion, treating