1.1: Describe what is meant by diversity and why should it be valued:
Diversity means valuing different individuals regardless of race, heritage, customs, beliefs, physical appearance, mental capabilities and etc.
Diversity should be respected and valued because not everybody is completely the same as everyone else. Everyone in the workplace has to be treated equally because everyone has something to offer and everyone has a strong factor/skill that they can contribute to the company. They enrich a society because they allow people to experience different thinking processes, to see that there is more than one way of approaching issues or living one's life.
1.2: Describe how to treat other people in a way that is sensitive to their needs:
You can treat other people well by being empathetic and relating to the way they feel about certain issues. Also try and Listen to them as often as you can. Always treat everyone the way you would like them to treat you but also analyse people’s needs and try to meet those needs. If they do not feel comfortable, ask to see what you can do for them to make them more relaxed.
1.3: Describe how to treat other people in a way that respects their abilities, background, values, customs and beliefs:
In a work environment or even in our personal life’s we need to understand other people’s views and take them into account. We have to be sensitive and diplomatic when dealing with other people. They all have to be treated with dignity and respect at all times. We also need to take into consideration everybody's social, cultural, racial backgrounds and differences. Every individual needs have to be taken into account and respected when sorting out disagreements. In addition we also need to listen to other people's needs and support them throughout and that way they will feel valued. Different people will have different standards/levels of understanding, so we need to use the