1. Introduction a. Where is pornography b. What is pornography 2. Economics of Pornography c. Profitability and Availability 3. Harm Cause by Pornography d. Mind e. Body f. Nature g. Spirit 4. Conclusion
Pornography Pornography is one of the most harmful industries of both the 20th and 21st centuries. It has been heavily commercialized and made easily available on in our society. It has been promoted up to a point in which we can safely say that it has become part of our culture. It is clearly seen how it has been adapted to subliminally and explicitly be present in almost everything around us. From the various forms of art such as literature (erotica), paintings, and sculptures, to modern entertainment, pornography has established its roots in all corners of our poisoned society. The music we listen to in the radio every day contains sexual themes in its lyrics. The advertising billboards we look at in highways and roads on the way to our jobs, schools or homes are never without the showy semi naked model that covers around 60% of the billboard. Most of the movies we watch at the theatre nowadays contain one or more sexual scenes. Not even at home we are safe from pornography since it is extremely easy for it to slip in through television advertising and internet popups. We are bombarded by pornography 24/7 and some of us don’t even notice it. Oxford’s dictionary defines pornography as “printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement.” Part of the reason why pornography has proliferated so much in the past century is because it is something useful. How so? Someone might as “If it’s something useful, how is it that is has become part of our culture until now and not centuries ago?” Simple, it’s because it is now profitable. Pornography has existed since prehistoric times. Archeologists
Cited: Dines, Gail. Pornland: How porn has hijacked our sexuality. Boston: Beacon P, 2010. The Holy Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1984. Paul, Pamela. "From Pornography to Porno to Porn: How Porn Became the Norm." 03 Jan. 2013 <http://www.socialcostsofpornography.com/Paul_How_Porn_Became_the_Norm.pdf>. Paul, Pamela. Pornified. New York: Owl, 2006. "Pornography Statistics." Pornography Statistics. 02 Jan. 2013 <http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html>. Struthers, William M. Wired for intimacy: How pornography hijacks the male brain. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2009. "Un joven murió tras haberse masturbado 42 veces seguidas." Mundo Insolito. 26 Aug. 2011. Diario Uno. 03 Jan. 2013 <http://www.diariouno.com.ar/mundo-insolito/Un-joven-murio-tras-haberse-masturbado-42-veces-seguidas-20110826-0054.html>.