The internet has revolutionized our lives and our society. It has changed the way we communicate, learn, and conduct business. The internet has made such a huge impact on our society that many can’t imagine life without it. Now we don’t have to spend hours looking for information in our libraries, the information is available to us anytime with just one click of the mouse. This form of technology has an impact on all aspects of our changing society from parenting, to dating, from conducting business and learning how to communicate. Kids today are so computer savvy that parenting takes on a new role. Weather we like it or not the internet is an ever growing part of our world and there is no turning back.
Connection in Time My children will never fully understand what life is without the technology of the internet. The internet has such an impact on today’s society in how we communicate, learn, entertain, and search for anything the human mind can think of. How our society functions on a day-to-day basis often involves the use of the internet. However, while the technology of the internet is amazing in itself, the effects of the internet may be doing our society harm. Our adolescents may not be learning how to communicate face-to-face because of the growing technology of instant messenger or “twittering.” The use of this technology has allowed many to respond on their own time and use nothing more than a quick short message. Is it possible that facial expressions, body posture, and nonverbal communication cues have gone wireless? Have marriages and careers been negatively affected due to the over use of the internet? As with all technology, there is a spectrum between what is good and bad, and the internet is not one to be overlooked. For every good thing the internet has accomplished, such as email, instant message, paperless billing, and online video there have also been consequences. These include porn, crime, gambling
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