The issue of ethnicity and stratification is of importance in Canadian society because it addresses the relationship between ethnic and racial stratification. Since Canada is so culturally diverse, it is important to know what motivates various ethnic groups to strive for success and how social stratification plays a significant role in this process.
In Canada, the opportunity for training and furthering ones level of education is promising for individuals of all ethnicities. Providing there is some form of stratification system within society, it is likely that individuals will view this inequality as a motivational factor to undergo sacrifices and receive additional training for these jobs. This will facilitate individuals in these groups to achieve higher strata in society and be deemed successful. In this essay, it shall be argued that social stratification is necessary in order to motivate ethnically diverse groups in Canada to train for more important jobs.
For the purpose of this essay the term social stratification refers to the way in which society is organized in layers or strata. There are three theories of stratification including, the functional theory of stratification, conflict theory and stratification and social interactionism and stratification. All three theories can relate to relationship between ethnicity and stratification in several ways. The theory that applies most to ethnicity and stratification is the functional theory of stratification. This theory argues three factors, the first is that some jobs are more important than others are, second, people must make sacrifices to train for important jobs and third inequality is required to motivate people to undergo sacrifices to train for these important jobs (Brym, 2010). There are various ethnic groups that reside in Canada. Ethnic groups are comprised of people whose perceived cultural markers are deemed socially significant, these groups differ from one another in terms
References: Brym, R.J. (2010). Theories of stratification. Toronto, Canada: Nelson Education. Cosgrove, C. (2011, 02 07). Immigrants often forced to work below their education, skill levels. BNET. Kerbo., H, R. (2006). Social stratification. Retrieved from Kroehler, C. (2002). Social stratification. Ohio: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Statistics Canada. (n.d.). Ethnic diversity and immigration. Retrieved from Tumin, M.M. (1953). Some principles of stratification: a critical analysis. American Sociological Review, 18(4), Retrieved from Wong. D.H. (2006). The functional theory of stratification: some neglected considerations. American Sociological Review, 24(6), Retrieved from doi: