SOC 315
Review the characteristics listed in each of the following categories: “Presumed American Cultural Norms” and “Presumed Cultural Norms of Other Cultures.” Based on personal experience, list the possible advantages and disadvantages of each cultural norm. Also, indicate whether the norms are true.
Presumed American Cultural Norms
| |True/False |Advantages |Disadvantages |
|Emphasis on promptness and time |True |Gives people exact times to be at events and |People may be crunched for time and |
| | |when …show more content…
to expect others. |there is little room for flexibility. |
|Direct, explicit communication |False |People do not become as offended as they |People may feel that they have to hide|
| | |would with direct and explicit communication.|the truth from being said or candy |
| | | |coat what they say.
|Competitive spirit |True |This allows for people to try and be the best|People who are not naturally |
| | |in what they do. This is good in the |competitive in nature may be over |
| | |workplace and school. |shadowed by competition. |
|Rugged individualism |True |People are able to be themselves and are less|This may cause conflict between |
| | |worried about pleasing others. |people. |
|Informality in relationships |True |People feel more comfortable and personable |People can feel too comfortable with
| | |with their friends or peers and feel on the |each other and it can start to bother |
| | |same level as each other. |the other person for lack of formality|
| | | |and come off as disrespectful at |
| | | |times. |
Presumed Cultural Norms of Other Cultures
| |True/False |Advantages |Disadvantages |
|Emphasis on harmony and order |True |There is less conflict and people can get |People may feel unhappy to have to |
| | |along better and interact in a civil manner. |conform at times. |
|Respect for authority and/or age |True |Those who are of older age with more |Authority may be wrong or corrupt at |
| | |experience may make better decisions with |times and not all people of an older |
| | |that experience. Respect for authority |age are always wiser. People may feel|
| | |creates a more peaceful environment when |that they are not able to make their |
| | |everyone is following some type of order. |own decisions. |
|Precedence of group over the |True |People are taken into account when it comes |Some individuals may not agree with |
|individual | |to decisions and there is less selfishness in|the group as a whole. |
| | |an individual. | |
|Focus on relationship building |True |Individuals will have many relationships in |Not all individuals feel that they |
| | |which they can turn to or can help them such |need relationships as much as others. |
| | |as friends and family. | |
|Emphasis on saving face |False |People tend to care about how they are seen |When someone is wrong, they will not |
| | |by others and that others think that you know|admit it and this can keep conflicts |
| | |what you are talking about. |going on for no reason. |