In “Organizational Culture in a Successful Primary School: An Ethnographic Case Study,” Ayse and Musa (2013) embark on an insightful examination of the culture of a successful primary school through a case study. In the study, the authors note the significance of culture in organizational effectiveness. They acknowledged the power of culture within a regulatory framework based on its processes and products within an organization. Apart from transforming people's behaviors and attitudes, culture is equally relevant in the formation of learning models. Similarly, Ayse and Musa (2013) contend that based on significant roles, effectiveness, job satisfaction, communication improvement, reform management in the studies and the improvement of the organizational quality of life; it is necessary to evaluate the cultural utilization of fundamental cultural elements to realize success in schools.
Results of the Study
The findings give a brief overview regarding the history of the school while also providing their general …show more content…
It is evident that high socio-economic status of families within a region has a positive impact on the success of a school. Still, other major factors can significantly affect the success of a given school than culture. For instance, the coordination between the parents and school administration ensures that every individual work towards the achievement of education success. The competence and commitment of teachers also act as a major factor towards the success of students. Additionally, positive school culture equally influences a school to achieve significant success. Therefore, good relationship and leadership among the stakeholders and the pursuit of a common goal are essential success attributes in any culture towards