Aspects of protocol related to successful intercultural communication include telephone manners and cyberspace etiquette, sometimes referred to as netiquette (network etiquette).
Most intercultural encounters are via the telephone. When talking on the phone, the initial impression is formed mainly by vocal quality (70%) rather than the words spoken (30%). Thus, opinions are formed more on how something is said and the voice tone rather than on what the person actually says.
Good telephone manners include answering the phone promptly (first or second ring), identifying yourself properly by giving your department and your name, and being courteous at all times, including the frequent use of “please” and “thank you.” Successful telephone communication involves recognizing and avoiding behaviors that typically irritate others. Avoid putting people on hold as this has been identified as the single most irritating behavior. Other negative behaviors that should be avoided include making mouth noises, not paying attention, and having a negative or rude attitude. A positive behavior appreciated by callers is “the voice with a smile.” Callers also appreciate a cheerful attitude.
When voice mail is used, be brief but complete when leaving a message. Include your name, company, the date, and the time of the message. Give your phone number slowly and include a brief summary of what the call concerns.
Dining practices
Cultural dining practices vary widely. In many parts of the world, the main meal is at noon, although in the United States the main meal is in the evening. In Mexico, lunchtime is from 2 to 4 p.m. and is the main meal of the day. In Spain, the dinner hour could be as late as 10 p.m. In some cultures, business meals are eaten in private homes, while in others they are usually eaten at restaurants. There are many different dining practices, and you can ask before you do something in another culture.
Gift Giving