The ICT today is all about cell phones applications, digital cameras, internet, wireless, GPS and etc. Dertouzos (2007) suggests that ICT change our life completely such as how we learn to live since we are children or how nations are formed. It is almost impossible to live without ICT now as ICT is getting more advance compare to twenty century which helps us to live a better life. As a result, ICT tools has had been plainly use for the tourism and hospitality industries now and It is very convenient nowadays because it creates a new global market which is very competitive among competitors in tourism and hospitality industries. Sheldon (1997) once said that “Communications and information transmission tools are therefore indispensable to the global marketing of the tourism industry.” With the development of e-tourism, more opportunities are given to those who use ICT wisely. A tourism business without ICT knowledge in at least sales or marketing is considered fail in their business. It is quite obvious how important ICT as they are playing a crucial role that is impossible to ignore now. Besides that, ICT helps to increase efficiency on managing operations such as online transaction and communication between suppliers. As a result, the increase of information supply and sharing in the internet produces a lot of possibilities for those who are supplying and demanding and also leads to a new global market. Next, there will be less online fraud as everyone knows about the comparative price and also the cost reduction on a product. It saves both the buyer and seller a lot of time and money instead of meeting each other to start the trade. The use of ICT tools also brings a lot of benefits to companies and consumers too. ICT enhance the operations of companies by improving their reliability and efficiency which reduce delays. It helps to improve performance without delays
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