I The outlook of the European debt crisis.
A PIIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain).
1 They have the highest and least sustainable debt in the EU.
2 EU members with stronger economies need to provide help to them.
a) Countries like Germany and France offer bailout funds to PIIGS countries.
b) It’s a form of a “payback” for how they benefitted from switching their currencies to €.
II European Union tries to fix the European debt crisis in multiple ways.
A Creating International Financial Regulation.
1. Advantages of International Financial regulation.
2. Disadvantages of international financial regulation.
B The creation of EFSF, EFSM and eventually EFM.
1. The mechanism of EFSF (European Financial Stability Facility) & EFSM (European Financial Stabilization Mechanism).
a) It helps fighting Euro Zone crisis by providing financial assistance to EU countries in deep economic troubles.
b) With maximum effort, EFSF & EFSM were only able to cover only about 25% of a bailout of EU debt.
2. The work of ESM(European Stability Mechanism). a It replaced EFSF & EFSM, becoming a combination of previous two. b It provides instant access to financial assistance programs for members of the eurozone in financial difficulty.
c. Countries that provide money to EFSF are the ones that also are in biggest need, like Spain and Italy.
C The work of ESM(European Stability Mechanism).
1 It replaced EFSF & EFSM, becoming a combination of previous two.
2 It provides instant access to financial assistance programs for members of the eurozone in financial difficulty.
3. Countries that provide monet to EFSF are the ones that also are in the biggest need of it, like Spain and Italy.
III. Other countries worldwide try to help with European debt crisis.
A United States offers their help fighting the economic crisis.
1. European economic crisis affects US market as well.
References: Dunn, B. (2012). The European Debt Crisis. Ecodate, 26(2), 2-4. Lee, F. (2013). China’s euro crisis - The Atlantic Times. Retrieved from http://www.the-atlantic-times.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=230%3Achinas-euro-crisis&catid=45%3Ajanuary-2011-business&Itemid=54 Heinemann, F. (2012). The european debt crisis: Causes and solutions. Jahrbuch Für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 63(1), 18-41. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1112141521?accountid=12085 Maidment, F. D. (2013). International Business. New York, New York, USA: McGraw Hill. Mayo, K. (2012, January 17). Why Does European Debt Matter? - Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/feeonlyplanner/2012/01/17/why-does-european-debt-matter/ Sica, J. (2012, July 2). Awake - The "Solution" To The European Debt Crisis - Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffreysica/2012/07/02/awake-the-solution-to-the-european-debt-crisis/