The New World attracted missionaries wishing to spread their religion. Document 4 states that along with the conquistadors, missionaries came set to influence their catholicism on natives. Buildings called missions were set up and used for bribery by only letting those who have converted to use it as a shelter through the harsh weathers. The missionaries used the foul tactics because they felt as though it was their duty, as told by the King and Pope, to save the non-religious people. In the eyes of the Pope, they were less than human and it was up to the missionaries to change that. Unfortunately, the Europeans brought over many diseases to the New World, a major one being smallpox. Many Natives began to catch the virus but…
Spain’s effort to colonize the new world was based solely on spreading the word of God. Spain at the time of Columbus’s expedition was “the most loyal Roman Catholic nation in Europe” (Gaustad’s pg.16) and therefore spreading the gospel was a main focus. It was said by General Treausrer Sanchez “the expedition could prove to be a great service to God” (gaustad’s pg.16). Spain wanted to see if there was more land to claim and if there was, they wanted to make sure that said people were brought to God through salvation (Gaustad’s pg. 17). Once new Land was acquired, Spain pushed for a complete conversion of other religions and practices to follow suit of the Catholic Church. The purification of land by fire was the harsh way Spain got their intension of change to the people habiting the different lands. The cruel ways were used by Spain when trying to “covert and isolate the Jews”(Gaustad’s pg 17).…
During the late 1400’s and early 1500’s, many explorers were starting to explore and discover North America. European countries sent explorers to America to search for a better life, goods, to claim lands, to find the fountain of youth, and various other reasons. Christopher Columbus, Ponce de León, and John Cabot made a huge impact with their voyages to the new world; their discoveries later helped the establishment of new colonies in North America. Christopher Columbus, an Italian, went on four voyages between the years of 1492 and 1504. He had three ships: the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María.…
There were many reason to why the Europeans had started to look westward. Before explorers found site of the America’s commerce and nationalism were two important and related changes that provided the first incentive for many Europeans to look towards new land (Brinkley, pg.9). There also happened to be a person in search of new land, not for settlement, but in dream of establishing a Christian Empire and in search of gold. This person is known as Prince Henry the Navigator. Although, the only reason he planned on establishing an empire in the western coast of Africa; only to receive aid when his country goes to war. But before Prince Henry could achieve his goal, he died.…
In the early history of the 1600's, North America had been discovered and establishment of the New World had begun. Although Spain and England both focused on the colonization and exploration of the Americas, their ambitions and goals were very different. The most important reasons for English colonization were religious freedom, to seek refuge, and new economic opportunities. The Spanish, on the other hand, exploited the New World in search of gold and silver, greed navigated their search. Although both the English and the Spanish experienced mild success, the English tactics for daily survival were much more organized and peaceful.…
In the beginning of fifteen century, Europeans began what we now call “the age of exploration and discovery”. Portugal, Spain, Dutch, French, and England were all in battle for territory. People may asked why did all these countries want to colonize the Americas so bad? Before series of voyages launched to discover the new world, people had no knowledge of what the other side of the world was like and what did the Americas have to offer. The Europeans hoped that when they went to discover the Americas, they would find gold, spices and silks, instead they found silver and some natives. The New World had many things to offer to the Europeans and they saw the explorations of the new world to benefit them in wealth, knowledge and power. Europeans…
The exploration and colonization of America by European powers began in the 15th century and continued through the 17th century. The Spanish, French, Dutch, and English were the major European powers that explored and colonized America. Each of these countries had different reasons for exploring and colonizing America. The Spanish were primarily interested in finding gold and silver. They believed that America was rich in these precious metals and that they could make a fortune by mining them.…
Religion, even if important, wasn't the major cause. The motive which most influenced exploration and which was most important wasn't spiritual, but economical. Many people left Europe in order to flee from their poverty in Europe, where the aristocracy controlled all the lands. In the new lands, they could try make a new fortune. The search of spices (very precious at the time, and very expensive) was also very important, as well as the search for gold. Material profit was clearly what moved most people and made them want to explore, for this in turn led to rivalry between countries, as exploring countries gained wealth in the New World. Of course, other countries imitated them, also wanting wealth and power. It is clear that the desire to grow rich was what moved most of the people into the new lands... Not the desire to spread religion like a good selfless Christian…
The first European Americans When people think about the new world, they might think why did European sail across the globe to the new world? Why did Chinese, for example, did not want to sail? The answer to that is Europeans, unlike Chinese or any other group of people, had two main reasons that made them interested to sail to the new world. Europeans were motivated by their poverty, and their motive to convert the world to Christianity. In other words, Europeans were motivated by “God, gold, and glory” (Lesson 1.3).…
European traders had to solve their problem with Muslimcontrolled land - going by sea around Muslim-controlled…
Multiple events in Europe affected colonization of the New World around 1492. Colonization is when a mother country creates settlements in other areas. European states were looking to colonize in order to inherit profit for self-sustainability. Resources and ideas have sparked the interest of many European voyagers. It encouraged them to explore in order to meet the needs and wants of rulers and the people. Also, explorers were searching for innovations that could be made in their country. The Crusades, the growth of commerce, the growth of population, the rise of nations, the Renaissance, and the improvement in sailing technology are events and trends that motivated European exploration.…
The Era of Exploration did witness the rapid and political, economic, and social intrusion of Europe into the New World. Between the 15th and 17th century centuries, the most successful and influential colony in the Americas was Spain, and it will be compared to the Great Britain/ England European Colonial structure. Spain during the era was the most influential starting in the late 15th century with Christopher Columbus exploring into the New World. The Spanish Empire became the most important and powerful state in Europe. Spain initiated the Western Europe exploration and colonization of the New World Spain as well colonized 5/8’s of the New World, the greatest portion was Kansas, California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Texas, Alaska, they controlled the Pacific for a while. They also controlled South and Central America. What they also did was established the foundation of Absolutism within the new world colonies. One of the other things that Spain did was conquered the New World civilizations of Meso America and the Inka and established the key centers of the spanish branches in North and South America. They were 300 years successful, and the reason for that was because they were able to conquer the land in a fast pace and made the money quickly. What they also did was introduced the economic, political foundations, and institutions of Mercantilism, which was cash box and commercial, that was brought into the Americas. The US cashbox did not work, for them Commercial was most important. Another thing that they introduced to the New World was Christianity, Catholicism, they also…
The discovery of the new world created a significant effect on the Americas, however many people overlook the effects that it had on Europe. This new discovery marked a time where European nations were taking control of sea routes and spreading their culture around the world as well as creating global markets of trade. Discovery of the new world also brought about many economic and social changes too.…
There were many political and technological changes that prompted the world explorations and discovery of the new world. The Portuguese were the main contributors to the technological changes that lead to the discovery of the new world. However, the change of the political structure of Spain ultimately lead to the discovery.…
Spain had many reasons for exploring westward. First of all, as stated above, they had a desire for valuable, expensive goods, and wanted a more efficient way of getting those goods. Secondly, the Spanish, after finding the Americas, had a hunger for gold and riches. This is what drove them to send so many explorers to America. The reason they had so many explorers to send was because of the Law of Primogenture. This law described that the oldest son was the only son that inherited anything, so the second and third etc. sons got nothing. This drove these sons to find fortune elsewhere, so they could continue to live royally after they grew up. With these explorers came priests. These priests came to convert the native Indians to Catholicism, to gain more and more followers around the world. With Colonization,…