Training is a reciprocal process that depends on and affects one another. Assignment deals with how well the students are learning and how well the trainer is training.
Let’s see further down some of the purposes of the assessment:
*To assist the trainees’ training
*To identify strengths and weaknesses
*To assess the effectiveness of a particular teaching/training strategy/technique or a whole program
*To assess and improve teaching effectiveness
*To communicate with and involve the learner on his/her training
*To provide data that assist on decision making
It is essential to begin a hospitality course with an assessment of learners prior learning in order to pitch the training at the correct level and to ensure inclusion of all students learning needs. This initial assessment (Short-answer question) can take the form of questions and answers as part of icebreaker activities or open group discussion of previous knowledge.
You can then move on alternative methods as it is always from the training course and from the level the students; such as completed quizzes or tests in during the course are a useful way to assess need and prepare students for the structure of on going assessment during the course. In the most of my hospitality training course assessment records begin during session one with an icebreaker to determine prior experience and to unify the group under a common goal and objective, the success and completion of the course.
Having assessed prior learning, ongoing formative assessments ensure that learners demonstrate progressive understanding of the learning objectives set for each training session. The variety of work in our sector can