John Thompson
Valmarie Turner
December 18th, 2011
The Continental Senior Center is in need of change. The reason I say this is because this community which is made up of senior citizens prominently, not only as the population, but the leaders and teachers as well would profit by letting change come into the society. I want to create an infrastructure which would allow the mergers of new home real estate with a younger organization and also take care of the poverty stricken seniors who are struggling not only with their health, but financially as well. The evaluation team that I propose would come in and take polls and testimony from all of the neighbors from the community, and of course the leaders as well. I feel that by letting change into the community, it would eventually bring a welcome change throughout the community. By generating this poll, we could take an overall process evaluation of what each person that lives in the community really wants the most. Just take a democratic vote, and then my team could then decide which way would be the most instrumental, and positive way to move ahead with the ideas for helping the community. Even by asking family members of the seniors living there would be very helpful. In this process, we could find out just what is important to them as well what is profitable towards the community as well. Program planning would also involve outside voices as well as just from the community itself. There is a huge opportunity for both the local citizens, and the incoming younger organizations to come together and reach an agreement. An outcome evaluation could then be taken on the results of the polls and testimony of the seniors within the community, as well as the leaders, and the outside community which involves the real estate agencies, younger crowds, and overall financial supporters as well.
Citations: of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. | | The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. | | Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. | | Spelling is correct. | | | | Total 90 Points | Points Earned 47.5/90 | Overall Comments: The assignment was to describe the types of evaluations you would include in your evaluation plan and how each would serve to analyze various processes or intended outcomes. An example would be the Project Wide Evaluation Plan, Objective Oriented Evaluation, etc. What are your desired results, indicators, or method or measurement, etc? Re-read chapter 4, 7, and 8. Please be sure to read the directions carefully as to not loose valuable points. |