Talia Orencel
Program Evaluation
PUAD 742
Spring 2011
An evaluation synthesis is a methodology for addressing large amounts of information on a specific topic without having to conduct a primary data collection. The benefit of an evaluation synthesis is that it draws upon a number of well- conducted studies in order to find answers to questions about a certain topic. It can gather material from many different evaluation reports, done by different people, at different places and times.
The program being assessed in this evaluation synthesis is the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). In an assessment conducted by the Federal Government in 2006, with the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART), NSLP received a rating of moderately effective. This program has been in part effective, yet there is still a need for improvement. The objective of this synthesis is to understand what are the outcomes for the program recipients? This program started when malnutrition was a major concern among the American people, now the issue has flipped to the other end of the spectrum as obesity as a major concern. This synthesis seeks to understand just how well functioning this program appears to be, and what facets of the program may be in particular need of improvement.
Overview of the National School Lunch Program
In 1946, President Harry Truman signed the National School Lunch Act (NSLA) in order to protect the health and well being of children in the United States of America. As a result of this act, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was established and became “the second largest U.S. food and nutrition assistance program in both numbers of children served—30 million in 2006—and Federal dollars spent—8 billion in 2006” (Ralston, Newman, Clauson, Guthrie, & Busby, 2008). This program emerged due to the growing concern of malnutrition among low-income and disadvantaged children.
References: ExpectMore.gov: National School Lunch. (n.d.). The White House. Retrieved April 18, 2011, from http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/expectmore/detail/10000452.2006.html Gleason, P., & Suitor, C Ralston, K., Newman, C., Clauson, A., Guthrie, J., & Busby, J. (2008). The National School Lunch Program: Background, Trends, and Issues (Ser. 61, Rep.). Retrieved from http://www.ers.usda.gov/Publications/ERR61/ Schanzenbach, D