Event driven Programs Key Features
Event driven programming is a programming in which the control flow of the programme is determined through events such as: Mouse clicks, key presses and timers. Some examples of this are: Visual Basic and Python.
Event driven programs are based around Event Handlers. Event handling means that the object name plus event name must be entered for the object to function. Some examples of this are: buttons and labels in visual basic.
Most event driven programs are time driven meaning that the code execution works accordingly with the computer clock.
A graphical user interface also plays a major part in event driven programs as a lot of event driven programs contain various controls each with its own events that enable the user to communicate and interact with the program.
All event driven programs use trigger functions to respond to events triggered by the user via mouse or keyboard. Each object has its own trigger functions that take place depending on the event assigned to it. Trigger functions can enable the user to change text or even change the colour of the programs or possibly open up a different form. Time triggers can also be set that work based on certain durations.
Additionally, event driven programs have even loops not all programmers take notice of this, event loops continuously tests the program to see if any thing has happened e.g. clicking on a button, typing into a textbox or pressing a key. When an event is detected, it’s passed on to the trigger function which than finds the right event handler to process the code.