A hypothesis- is an educated guess or proposition that attempts to explain a set of facts or natural phenomenon. It is used mostly in the field of science, where the scientific method is used to test it.
Testing Hypothesis vs. Tested Hypothesis -An hypothesis can be testing a concept or it can be developed as a result of study:A testing hypothesis is one that can be tested, meaning you can measure both what is being done (variables) and the outcome.A tested hypothesis is tested with research, such as in a research study in social science.Here are some examples of both testing hypotheses and hypotheses tested with research:
Testing Hypotheses-If the water faucet is opened, then the amount of water flowing will increase. If fenders are placed on a bicycle, then the user will stay dry when going through puddles.If a prisoner learns a work skill while in jail, then he is less likely to commit a crime when he is released. If I raise the temperature of a cup of water, then the amount of sugar that can be dissolved in it will be increased. If the size of the molecules is related to the rate of diffusion as they pass through a membrane, then smaller molecules will flow through at a higher rate.If there is a relation between the wave length of light and the photosynthesis rate, then light of different colors will cause the plant to make different amounts of oxygen. If temperature is related to the rate of metabolism in animals, then raising the ambient temperature will cause an increase in animal metabolism.
Tested Hypotheses-More students get sick during the final week of testing that at other times. One solar panel can replace one C battery.There is a positive correlation between the availability of hours for work and the productivity of employees. Worker satisfaction increases worker productivity.Amount of sun exposure will increase the growth of a tomato plant.Childhood obesity is tied to the amount of sugary drinks injested daily.A dog can be