Everyman is a morality play written in 15th Century England. It basically tells us what Christian Salvation is and even though I personally do not follow the the Christian Religion there is much that I learnt after reading it.
The essay starts off with God telling “death” that he is not happy with humans and would like death to bring everyman up to him so that he can evaluate his good and his bad deeds. When Death approaches everyman, Everyman says that he is unready to make such a reckoning, and is horrified to realize who Death is. Everyman asks Death whether he will have any company to go on the journey from life into death. Death tells him he could have company, if anyone was brave enough to go along with him.Everyman approaches all the people he knows including his friends, family, cousins but everyone declines with the cousins telling him that they have their own ledgers of deeds to make.
Everyman, finally decided to ask his “Good Deeds” to accompany him, but turns out that as he never paid attention to it, it is very weak and won’t be able to accompany everyman on his journey. Deed’s sister Knowledge takes everyman to visit Confession, where everyman confesses all his sins and finally Good deeds become strong enough to accompany him on his journey. Beauty, Wits, Strength and Discretion also promise to accompany everyman on his journey but as soon as everyman starts dying, everyone except good deeds back out.
The main thing that we can learn from the essay is that in the end it only our good deeds that follow us to our death bed. No friends, family, wealth or strength will accompany us on our final journey. We should make sure that we our good deeds in life heavily outweigh our sins. Many a times, people forget this and keep running after material goods. Greed takes them over and they look for benefit in anything and everything they do.
Instead, we should strive to help people out in any and every way we can. It fills the doer and the