Evidence and policy in six European countries: diverse approaches and common challenges
Sandra Nutley, Sarah Morton,Tobias Jung and Annette Boaz
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As previous contributions to Evidence & Policy indicate, there is international interest in the relationship between research evidence and the concerns of policy makers and practitioners (eg Mullen, 2005;Alexanderson et al, 2009; Ouimet et al, 2009;Widmer,
2009). Much of this interest has focused on documenting and debating various national efforts to promote more evidence-informed policies and practices within specific policy areas, such as education, healthcare and social work. Increasingly, there are also efforts to learn and draw broader lessons from these national endeavours. For example, in March 2009, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) and the National Research Council of the National Academies of the
United States co-hosted a conference in Paris (France) entitled ‘Evidence-based policy: international experiences’. There are also programmes and projects to map and review national arrangements for promoting evidence-informed decision making within specific policy sectors.This is illustrated by the Centre for Education Research and Innovation’s (CERI) reviews of the extent to which the educational research and development systems within OECD countries are functioning as repositories of knowledge on which practitioners and policy makers can draw.1
This issue of Evidence & Policy contributes to these efforts to learn from international developments in the evidence and policy field. It draws together papers from a seminar series that considered developments in six European countries: Iceland, Ireland, the
Netherlands, Norway, Scotland and Sweden.The seminar series was funded through the New Opportunities for Research
References: (2009) ‘Producing and consuming knowledge in social work practice: research and development activities in a Swedish context’, Evidence & Policy, vol 5, no 2: 127–39. Best, A., Terpstra, J.L. and Moor, G. (2008) ‘Windows on our world: conceptual and organisational models for knowledge to action’, Paper presented to the NORFACE Bijker, W.E., Bal, R. and Hendriks, R. (2009) Paradox of scientific authority: The role of scientific advice in democracies, Boston: MIT Press. Black, N. (2001) ‘Evidence-based policy: proceed with care’, British Medical Journal, vol 323: 275–9. Culyer,A. and Lomas, J. (2006) ‘Deliberative processes and evidence informed decision making in health care: do they work and how might we know?’, Evidence & Policy, Delvaux, B. and Mangez, E. (2008) Towards a sociology of the knowledge–policy relation, Literature Review Integrative Report, Available at www.knowandpol.eu Duke, K. (2001) ‘Evidence-based policy making? The interplay between research and the development of prison drugs policy’, Criminal Justice, vol 1, no 3: 277–300. EC (European Commission) (2007) Towards more knowledge-based policy and practice in education and training, Commission Staff Working Document, Brussels: Commission Jasanoff, S. (ed) (2004) States of knowledge: The co-production of science and social order, London: Routledge. Levin, B. (2004) ‘Making research matter more’, Education Policy Analysis Archives, vol 12: 56. Mulgan, G. (2003) ‘Government, knowledge and the business of policy making’, Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration, vol 108: 1–5. Mullen, E.J. (2005) ‘From concept to implementation: challenges facing evidence based social work’, Evidence & Policy, vol 1, no 1: 61–84. Nutley, S.M.,Walter, I. and Davies, H.T.O. (2007) Using evidence, Bristol:The Policy Press. Ouimet, M., Landry, R., Ziam, S. and Bédard, P.-O. (2009) ‘The absorption of research knowledge by public civil servants’, Evidence & Policy, vol 5, no 4: 331–50. Solesbury,W. (2001) Evidence-based policy:Whence it came and where it’s going (Working Paper 1), Swindon: ESRC UK Centre for Evidence-Based Policy and Practice, Available