Competition ideology is a main feature
Local public health directors moved out of NHS and into local government.
Remove targets and bureaucracy; Govt. creates outcomes framework for what NHS should achieve and professionals work out how.
Personal health budgets for those with long-term illness.
Local authorities will be given power to agree local health strategies and control over local health improvement budgets.
GP commissioning creates management of services for bottom up design of services.
Patients given choice over treatment options, their consultant-led team, GP practice and control over their medical notes.
NHS trusts become foundation trust to increase employee power.
Allow any provider to give services to NHS patients as long as can offer high quality care expected.
Aim to create the largest social enterprise sector in the world. ‘Monitor’ will be made a stronger economic regulator to ensure effectiveness and efficiency and that every area has NHS services it needs to provide comprehensive service.
Care Quality Commission safeguard safety and quality standards.
Independent and accountable NHS commissioning board made to drive quality improvements through national guidance and standards, to inform GP commissioning. The board Will allocate resources according to need of areas and lead specialised commissioning.
Health bill later this year.
Reduce the DoH NHS function for efficiency savings in administration. Reduce admin cost by 45% over 4 years in NHS.
Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities abolished GP commissioning:
Commissioning is identifying what the needs of the population are, identifying a potential provider and then awarding and managing contract to a provider.
Commissioning control previously in the hands of health managers of PCTs who in turn commission services for their area
Moving to GP