3.4 Describe the main roles and responsibilities of representative bodies that influence the wider sector
The Alzheimer’s Society. This is a charity providing help and support to sufferers and carers, they provide information on everything to do with dementia.
Age UK This organisation helps with all aspects from heath to housing giving advice to those who need it. It also helps with training for individuals in the care setting. It also researches into dementia, falls prevention, stoke and even incontinence and information is easily accessible.
Care Quality Commission they check whether or not hospitals, care facilities, services in the home, GP's, dentists etc. are meeting the required standards, they inspect these places and the publish their findings so that the public can make choices as of where to go.
Outcome 5
5.2/ 5.3. Outline different viewpoints around an issue of public concern relevant to the sector:
Many people now only use care facilities i.e. agencies, residential or nursing homes as a last resort as they have concerns about the quality of the care for their relative. They find that trusting these places to provide good care is hard, even though there is high need for this, this is because the public have lost respect in the system and would rather have their relatives cared for at home where they can keep a close eye on the care being given, or even care for them themselves. They feel angry and disgusted because they should be able to trust in the care system, but still there are reports of abuse.
5.4 Describe recent changes in service delivery which have affected own area of work:
There is more thorough paperwork now which has to be completed and this takes up more time, more training is provided for the carer to attend and the policies and procedures that are in place are detailed. Carers have to have regular supervsions with the manager and attend team meetings.