Diversity One
Diversity Two
Diversity Three
Dylan Palacio
Bio 102
Introduction- Throughout the history of man kind one question has been constantly ASKED and never seems to get a definite answer. The question is who are we? And where do we come from? Rather then spark a religious verse science debate and draw a very emotional line in society we let everyone believe what they want to believe. However regardless of what you want to believe facts are facts and science is science. After going through the Diversity one, two and three labs many things became evident that were somewhat unclear before. One of these things is that we , as man may argue about where we came form and when we got here but we are mere children in the history of planet earth and mere infants in the life that has existed here. The goal of this lab was to understand and be familiar with the millions of organisims that live on earth everday and hiow they got here. The goal was to understand how certain species died out, how they evolved to survive and how organisims have managed to make it millions of years on this planet. This lab takes a look at the three domains Bacteria, Archea, and Eukarya, which contain animals, protists, fungi, bacteria, and plants. And after our observations from the lab me and mark grey my partner concluded many concrete facts about life, evolution, traits and survival.
Observations- Throughout the lad we viewed many different organisims and many different traits. This lab takes a look at the three domains Bacteria, Archea, and Eukarya, which contain animals, protists, fungi, bacteria, and plants. And throughout the lab we uncovered what makes each plant different and what makes each animal in a set kingdom different. The results of our observations were recorded and analyzed from the results that follow. Observations of species and their traits that came from either divergent or convergent evolution were recorded and analysis of each kingdom