and more complex. They got so complex to the point we had homosapien. Humans evolved
In 1859 a man named charles darwin gave us a new take on human evolution when he released his thoughts on natural selection.
Darwin brought a new meaning to old philosophy. Before Darwin theory was known to the public most of the population believed in the religious version. That's why his theory was controversial, many religions were upset with the in formation but mainly christians. “Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps." (Charles Darwin) ( This quote really gives people a good understanding of what natural selection means. This view on evoulotion has been proven to be true. They have taken DNA sample from bones that make up the look of an ape and they have almost identical to human DNA. One way we are still evolving right now is that we drink milk. That shows evolution because the gene that made it hard to digest lactose. shut down as they were weaned off of their mother's breast milk. But when we began domesticating cows, sheep and goats, being able to drink milk became a nutritionally advantageous quality, and people with the genetic mutation that allowed them to digest lactose were better able to propagate their …show more content…
The religious take on evolution they believe in the story of Adam and Eve, they believe that God created Adam to be superior to the animals and plants on planet earth.
When he realized that Adam seemed lonely so he created Eve, the female version of Adam. They together learned humanity, and how to live together. They learned about original sin, they were not ashamed. They learned how hard life gets when you do the wrong thing. When they ate the apple and broke what God said they know they did wrong and felt guilty. They also learned about bad people and how people can tempt you. Adam and Eve evolution is more focused on thoughts of people and how they learn. When Charles Darwin theory is more focused on the body and how it evolved. Now scientists are more focused on the brain evolution then the body and humanity civilization. Some particular things that religious people believe in when it comes to evolution is brains growing to bigger sizes and becoming more complex but studies show that the brain is getting smaller but more complex. There are many good thoughts in arguments on evolution and we are not one hundred percent sure on anything so none of the arguments are wrong. Human evolution is still happening today, humans are still changing and becoming more complex. One day we will know the real answer about