Serious diseases were of primary interest to early humans, although they were not able to treat them effectively. Many diseases were attributed to the influence of malevolent demons, alien spirit, a stone, or a worm into the body of the unsuspecting patient. These diseases were warded off by incantations, dancing, magic charms and talismans, and various other measures. If the demon managed to enter the body of its victim, either in the absence of such precautions or despite them, efforts were made to make the body uninhabitable to the demon by beating, torturing, and starving the patient. As time progressed and man got smart so did Healthcare. With the advancement in healthcare the way the services where …show more content…
Medicare does not pay for all of a beneficiary's health care costs; it only pays a portion of it. Because of this, many Medicare beneficiaries supplement their coverage with private health insurance. Medicare Part A covers areas such as inpatient hospital stays, skilled nursing facility stays, home health care, and hospice care. While Medicare Part B covers the services provided by physicians, medical supplies, second opinions regarding surgery; clinical laboratory diagnostic services; limited mental illness services; limited chiropractic services; limited podiatrist services; limited optometrist services; and limited dental surgeon's services. There is no monthly premium to pay for Part A because coverage has been earned through a person's payroll taxes deducted during his or her working years. Part B, on the other hand, is voluntary and requires a monthly premium, most often deducted from a person's Social Security check each …show more content…
Under Medicare Advantage, seniors will have the option of enrolling in low-cost and high-coverage managed care plans. Plans in competitive markets under the newly created Medicare Advantage program will bid to provide participants with Medicare's enhanced basic benefit package. Those who select more efficient plans will benefit from savings, and in some circumstances, participants in the most efficient plans could pay no premium at all and potentially qualify for a rebate on their premium( Medicare Advantage will be a good choice for participants willing to accept a more selective provider panel in exchange for lower cost sharing and extra