Tyeisha Molina
Managed Care and Insurance
Professor Conway
October 21, 2012
There are many changes being made by the Affordable Care Act which will have an impact on Medicare. Affordable Care Act makes Medicare stronger as well as assists the elderly with taking responsibility of their health outcomes. The act will provide essential free assistances which include preventive services, yearly wellness appointments and a fifty percent price reduction towards prescription drugs for the individuals that are in the coverage gap called the donut hole. Medicare recipients can also work with their physicians to develop a personal prevention plan. Affordable Care Act impacts Medicare for the reasons that the elderly for no cost or little cost will receive more benefits than they have before. The intention of the act is to encourage improvement, trial analysis for forms of payment models and enhancements to the ways payments are made for basic health services, the promotion of patient centered support given by health institutions, reducing unnecessary inpatient stays and developing an incentive plan for practitioners, hospitals and additional health facilities so that the delivery of care is provided in an efficient manner. Affordable Care Act does not necessarily eliminate every issue associated with Medicare, but it is definitely a start. There are still changes that will have to be made in order to correct the continuing gaps amongst the amount of workforces that pay taxes into the Medicare and the amount of individuals that receive the assistance.There is also the issue of the increasing health care costs which will continue to jeopardize its purpose of being long term solution. Due to the ACA a lot more individuals will be able to afford health care benefits including safeguards which will assist them with keeping insurance at times when a critical health condition arises as well as
References: Adamopoulos, Helen. (2012). The Supreme Court Affordable Care Act Decision: Could it Mean Catastrophe for Medicare Advantage? Retrieved from http://medicarenewsgroup.com/context/understanding-medicare-blog/understanding-medicare-blog/2012/06/21/the-supreme-court-affordable-care-act-decision-could-it-mean-catastrophe-for-medicare-advantage-. Accessed on 13 October 2012. Bergthold, Linda. (2012). Seniors Are Asking... What 's Next for Medicare? Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/linda-bergthold/seniors-are-asking---what_b_1666779.html. Accessed on 13 October 2012. Kaplan, Richard L. (2011). Older Americans, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act: What’s Really In It for Elders? Retrieved from http://www.asaging.org/blog/kaplan-older-americans-medicare. Accessed on 13 October 2012. Urban, Mike. (2012) Many already feel impact of Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from http://readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=396360. Accessed on 13, October 2012.