Due: 5pm on March 14
Please highlight the correct answer
Section 1 - Multiple-Choice – 15 questions, each worth 1 point
1. According to the text, which of the following is the LEAST motivating of all the factors?
a. economic value
b. eustress
c. entertainment
d. diversion from everyday life
e. need for affiliation
2. Which of the following would NOT be a demographic factor for game attendance?
a. age
b. gender
c. occupation
d. education
e. All of the above are demographic factors for game attendance.
3. Fans who attend sporting events primarily for the social interaction or entertainment benefit of the event are said to possess _____.
a. high-level fan identification
b. medium-level fan identification
c. low-level fan identification
d. unfocused fan identification
e. none of the above
4. According to the text, _____ is defined as fixing your sports entity in the minds of consumers in the target market.
a. segmenting
b. targeting
c. positioning
d. repositioning
e. none of the above
5. _____ is changing the image or perception of the sports entity in the minds of consumers in the target market.
a. Positioning
b. Segmentation
c. Targeting
d. Repositioning
e. None of the above
6. Niche strategies are concerned with _____.
a. building new venues with relatively small fields to fit in more luxury suites
b. functionality, not profit
c. capturing a relatively small market segment
d. developing mass market appeal
e. developing a mass media appeal
7. A target marketing segment must be reachable. This includes ______.
a. identifiable and common needs
b. physical distribution and media
c. substantial and behavioral variations
d. physical activity and emotional appeal
e. emotional appeal and common needs
8. Sports products, in general, tend to _____.
a. be more goods oriented
b. be more ideas oriented
c. be more services oriented
d. possess characteristics of both people and products
e. possess characteristics of