Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU
VII Semester B. E. Examinations Dec-10/Jan-11
Computer Science and Engineering
Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instructions to candidates:
Answer FIVE questions choosing at least Two questions Part-A and Two questions from Part-B.
1 a Explain the following terms:
Aspect ratio; (2) Interlaced display; (3) Refresh Rate; (4) Rasterization; (5) Frame Buffer. 05
b Explain the graphics pipeline architecture. 05
c Write a program to construct a two dimensional gasket using open GL. 10
2 a Explain the following types of polygons in OpenGL:
GL_Polygon (2) GL_Triangles (3) GL_Quads
(4) GL_Triangle_Strip (5) GL_Quad_Strip (6) GL_Triangle_Fan 06
b Explain the two forms of text and the merits & demerits of each method. Explain the GLUT library function used to display text with an example. 08
c Explain the glortho( ) function with syntax and an example. 06
3 a Explain the different input modes of operation. 08
b How are menus created in OpenGL? What are the APIs used? Illustrate with examples. 08
c What are Call back functions? Explain how a keyboard event is handled in OpenGL? 04
4 a Explain the following functions of GLUT library with appropriate syntax and examples: glutDisplayFunc ( ); glutMouseFunc ( ); glutMotion Func ( ); glutPassiveMotionFunc ( ); glutCreateWindow( ). 5 x3
b Explain, with a neat diagram, the display processor architecture. 05
5 a Show that the following sequences commute: (use 2D Homogenous coordinates)
A rotation and a uniform scaling;
Two rotations about the same axis. 08
b Explain the following APIs with appropriate syntax and examples: glTranslate ( ) ; glRotate ( ) ; glScale ( ) ;