Introduction: You need to explain that there are a variety of factors that can affect power relationships and the division of labour between couples. The division of labour refers to the roles men and women play in relation to housework, childcare and paid work. Sociologists are interested in whether these tasks are shared equally.t
Examine the factors affecting power relationships and the division of labour between couples. (24 marks)
Start off with Parsons – believed that the division of labour is natural and that men and women are biologically suited to the roles of instrumental and expressive leader. But this view today is often considered outdated. This is because one factor that can impact the division of labour is whether the woman is in paid employment. For example, Willmott and Young, who take a march of progress view see family as becoming increasingly symmetrical. They argue that women who participate in paid employment are more likely to experience joint conjugal roles.
This is because they are unable to do it all on their own.
Criticise – Feminists such as Ann Oakely do not believe that women working is a key factor that brings equality to the division of labour….give some evidence
Examine the factors affecting power relationships and the division of labour between couples. (24 marks)
Gershuny – disagrees and argues that women working is a key factor
– found that wives who did work did less domestic work – evidence pg21 Another factor that has effected the division of labour is the commercialisation of housework – it has reduced the burden on women allowing roles to become more equal.
Critcisise – Evidence of DUAL BURDENS or TRIPLE SHIFTS.
Gillian Dunne – argues one reason why they have not become equal is because of deeply engrained gender scripts – explain.
Power relationships – men often make more of the decisions and a