A Beautiful Mind elegantly uses small, nice effects early on. When Nash is lost looking at geometric patterns, they dance across the screen of their own accord; when he looks at a page of numbers, digits float up to greet him. It is a smart visual, both suggesting the abstract joys of thought and the visual hallucinations to come.
The look of the film was very crisp and clear. There seemed to be no originality in the mise-en-scene and that was perplexing. In the school environment you saw school things, in a work environment you saw work things. It was as if they were more concerned with dating and the period of the film rather than the mood it was trying to portray.
The film and the camera work are fairly straightforward, with only a few digitally animated instances of hallucinations that diverge from wholly photographic representation of the world of the film. So, with the film's naturalistic photography and narrative, as well as knowing that this is meant to be biographical, it's