of New York, New York has a higher number of population with slightly higher under 18, the lower number of age 65 and above. The percentage of the diverse population is higher in New York than the metropolitan area, however, the median household income, percentage of poverty level and high school education is slightly the same. Finally, when we compare the New York City with the US median data the higher total population with slightly the same percentage of under 18 and age 65 and above is seen. The median household income, percentage of a poverty level, and education level are all higher than the US median data.
of New York, New York has a higher number of population with slightly higher under 18, the lower number of age 65 and above. The percentage of the diverse population is higher in New York than the metropolitan area, however, the median household income, percentage of poverty level and high school education is slightly the same. Finally, when we compare the New York City with the US median data the higher total population with slightly the same percentage of under 18 and age 65 and above is seen. The median household income, percentage of a poverty level, and education level are all higher than the US median data.