A. EMPLOYEE(S) DETAILS: Name: Azrul bin Jemat Sex: Male Race: Malay Age: - Department attached to: Production Length of time on present job: 1 year
B. DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT: Date: 13 February 2012 Time: 12.30 am Location: Furnace Section, Production Department Equipment involved: Furnace Machine No.4 Injury: Hand Details:
Azrul bin Jemat was a worker under Wetbench Section. The Supervisor of Shift B, Madam Alice asked him to stand in for one of the operator in Furnace Section who was on emergency leave. Azrul was the senior operator in Shift B. During midnight break, Azrul was alone in the Furnace Section when the other operators had their break outside. Azrul had some problems in handling with Furnace Machine No.4. His hand was still inside the machine when he tried to pick out the production lot. His hand was stucked with one of the robotic item inside the machine. Madam Alice saw the incident happen and she quickly changed the machine into offline mode. His hand was badly injured. So, they called for the ambulance but it took 20 minutes to arrive. Azrul was taken to the General Hospital and he was in ward 9.
C. CAUSES: After an initial investigation, I discovered that Azrul did not have enough experience on operating the others section machine. Eventhough he was one of the senior operator in the Shift B team. The supervisor should put worker from among the same section only by contact or call operators from the Shift C or Shift D (offday) to replace the operator to avoid any incident from happening.
D. RECOMMENDATIONS: To prevent similar occurrences, I suggest the following: 1. A refresher course on ‘Occupational Health and Safety’ should be conducted. 2. Details of the person/s to contact in the event of an emergency should be displayed. This is also include the