Throughout the three hundred years that the U.S. has been in existence, according to actually existing in the eyes of superior nations, other countries have been up to cahoots with the United States whether it be through wars or trade during peacetime. Having been one of the big countries that still, to this day, rummages through other governments the U.S. has made quite the bad reputation for itself, for foreigners and sometimes even its own general population. For the U.S. to increase its reputation among other countries the Presidential Elect will have to set up better policies with the head authority figures of these said countries, thus further proving that the U.S. is the nation set up on the freedoms that foreigners may …show more content…
Propaganda has a long range from billboards to logos to the advertisements that will pop up when you watch a movie or a video and can even range to what you are reading in a book or a newspaper. This is just the tip of the iceberg with how much it has spread; imagine how it can be used to try and take over other countries. One example of this is how the U.S. has set up propaganda in separate Middle Eastern governments to “protect and promote U.S. policies” usually being the governments that only involve “kings, military generals, and other strongmen who rule nondemocratic Muslim States (Liaquat Ali 388)”. This is more information that backs the U.S. trying to make all countries democratic such as itself, crushing anything that is nondemocratic and/or making deals that could eventually backfire on that government. Examples of these judgments include, but are not limited to; Russia rigging the election and how every country in the Middle East are filled with terrorists when in fact it has been stated that most of the terrorist activity has only originated from Saudi Arabia. It even has been put out that the U.S. has broken many treaties with the Middle Eastern countries even to the point of allowing “ the abduction of Muslim militants from all over the world” and also“ permitt[ing] cruel and degrading …show more content…
Whether it be through WW1/2 or the Cold War, the U.S. has always made its opinion clear that the other side shall and will be defeated though, unfortunately, not even the U.S.s military machine could ever take down the worst enemy of all…Terrorism. The exploitation on terrorism has been overused when it comes to how other countries have held up in these past years. This usually happens when the portfolio managers are “In the midst of propagandistic vilification[s]” against other countries and “are persuaded to face, fund, and fight wars of terrorism (Liaquat Ali 389)”under the hands of American stakeholders. When they persuaded to fund war, related activities such as the infamous Iran nuclear deal can be written into existence. When all of the funding only goes into these sorts of deals, the average citizens of the countries, such as Pakistan, that are affected cannot defend themselves and even more so they most have no effective persuasion techniques to stop U.S. drone attacks(Liaquat Ali 398). Fear tactics like this lead to mass hysteria in the surrounding smaller countries such as the case in Taiwan that are afraid of who has taken the place in the Presidential Election due to the fact that they are “ caught in between two powerful countries, China and the United States(Hernandez, Havier, Qin ½)”. The U.S. has