Decide on a course of action and carry it out
The nurse manager should convince the nurse to share with the nurse manager about any difficulties that she faces during his shift. Provide him some advice about his attitudes of judging others and reinforce him to stop doing it and discuss the consequences if he continues his inappropriate actions. Encourage the nurse to communicate more with the colleagues about his problem outside the clinical setting privately or he can approach the senior nurse manager if he faces any difficulties working with the expertise such as the physician. The nurse manager can talk to the students about the situation and discuss with them about the consequences of doing such actions. The nurse manager can approach the …show more content…
If the students complain to me about the staff nurse repeat his mistakes again, I will inform the senior nurse manager of the ward to take an action against the staff nurse.
In conclusion, I hope the staff nurse will change his attitudes and able to maintain his work colleagues and other health care worker’s confidentiality. The staff nurse able to maintain respect and dignity of his surrounding people by not making judgmental comments and talk about it loudly especially near to the patient’s environment.
With this systematic way of reviewing situations, it will be much easier to make a decision making while still maintaining a justice for all who are involved in the situations. The systematic review will avoid the higher authority to take appropriate action to penalize the staff nurse unfairly. It's also useful for all nurses make decision with positive